I look at animal experiences, specifically insect life, as metaphors for human experiences. Meditation has become a metaphysical cocoon in which I focus on plant and insect life as a mind-altering processes that influences my visual art practice.. During my 360 hours of practical studio time I have learnt there is a spectrum of productivity. For example - the activities that demand the highest focus, such as drawing, sculpting and painting versus the more mundane and futile activities like weaving, knotting, folding origami butterflies or stringing beads. None of these practices is 'finer' or more valuable than others and I have found value in moving between activities which exhaust the mind and those which relieve and recharge the mind.. Pupa is an interactive installation and functional studio space constructed with obsolete technology and an assortment of found objects.
The performance includes an emergence from the tape cocoon while singing Italian arias from the baroque era. It is a short 3 song acapella repertoire which symbolise the metamorphic the transformation of metamorphosis. This exhibition is centred around the anthropomorphism of pupation, with all its rich metaphoric possibilities, such as graduating- the college being en enclosed time and space of gestation in which I the pupil has matured and is now ready to leave and enter industry, as does the pupa emerge from the cocoon to take flight.